Once guardians of ancient silver mines, today they preserve a wild natural environment full of many rare and endemic species.

Length: 22 km or 11/12km

Duration: 5/6 hours with break or 3/4 hours

Price: 25 euros per person
15 euro – bambini fino a 12 anni. (Età minima consigliata: 6 anni – bambini abituati a camminare)

Necessary equipment:Gymnastic shoes better if for trekking, minimum 1 liter water per person and food (ex: sandwich), sun cream 

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    Schermata 2022-12-16 alle 12.21.38

    Istruttore di trekking iscritto all’albo nazionale Csen
    Olaf Calvigioni Peruzzi 

    47 years old. He has been living in massa marittima for 27 years. After a career as a professional footballer, he got a love in ultra trail running and trekking, especially thanks to the wonderful nature that surrounds mass maritime.  

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